Tug of War

Tug of War

Tug of war is a kind of contest performed by two groups of rivals to test their strength. Tug-of-war is a traditional game of many people of the world, who conducted it on national festivals and celebrations.

Athletes competing in tug of war need to have a high level of general strength, power endurance, "explosive power", as well as good coordination, a sense of rhythm and time, psychological stability, a high level of motivation and concentration of all physical and spiritual strength.

In the competition, eight participants from each team participate. The task of the athletes is to pull the rope a certain distance or force the team of rivals to break the rules. To win, you must double-pull the rope to your side.


TUG of WAR – international competition.

Composition of the team – 10 people: 9 athletes, 1 coach.

Athletes older than 18 are allowed to take part in the competitions. Competitions are held among men from all weight categories. Only athletes from the other kinds of sports can take part in these competitions. The competitions are held in 2 disciplines:
– head-to-head 1х1;
– team-to-team 8х8.

A rope 33,9 m long and 10-12,5 cm in diameter is tied with a red ribbon in the middle; 4 and 5 m from the red ribbon the rope must be thwarted by white and blue ribbons correspondingly.

In the places of Tug-of-War competition, there shall be a control line for determination of a winner. Upon the referee’s signal, each team begins to pull the rope simultaneously until the winner is determined. Team-to-team competition consists of a maximum of three tries. If a team wins in two sets then the third one is not held. After each try the teams have a rest for no longer than 2 minutes.

Competitions are held under the current rules of the International Tug of War Federation.

Download: competition rules of Tug of War